Fennel, Orange & Parsely Improv Salad (& Soba Noodle Recipe)

November 17, 2023

For all the times I've attempted to capture the essence of my Soba Noodle Salad in a photo, I've yet to do it justice. Today, I'm sharing a photo of a delightful fennel and orange salad, not only because I like the image but also as a testament to the joy of creating something delicious with no recipe. This mirrors my approach to the Soba Noodle Salad – a recipe with quantities and instructions, yet leaving room for personal adjustments to salt, acid, and fat levels.

Last night, while engaging in a delightful conversation about life, love, and food with a friend, I learned that someone had tried and loved one of my favorite recipes. It’s a timeless favorite, appreciated for its simplicity and adaptability for a crowd. As part of my effort to write accessible recipes based on the principles from my cooking classes, I aim to empower people not just with a specific recipe but with an understanding of ingredients. This familiarity enables confidence in creating variations and experimenting with flavors.


Soba Noodles with Spinach, Edamame, and Tofu:

Here's the recipe for Soba Noodles with Spinach, Edamame, and Tofu. These ingredients come together with a flavorful dressing and a few pantry and fridge garnishes. Feel free to adjust to your taste and let me know how it works for you.


  • 1 Package of Soba noodles
  • 4 cups fresh Spinach leaves, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup shelled Edamame, cooked and rinsed in cold water
  • 1 hefty cup firm Tofu, cut into half inch cubes
  • Optional 1/2 head red cabbage, very thinly sliced (a mandolin works best for this)
  • Sriracha, toasted sesame seeds and thinly sliced scallions as garnish if you'd like
  • Dressing


  • Cook soba noodles al dente, drain and rinse well. Note: some brands can be quite starchy so be sure to give them a good rinse after cooking, Drain super well.
  • Put noodles into a large bowl and add the dressing, (recipe below). Mix to combine. Add remaining ingredients, except the garnishes. Taste. Add more of either oil and more Bragg's liquid aminos if it needs more dressing or flavor adjustment to your preference.
  • Bonus note: if you've never tried umeboshi vinegar....go get yourself a bottle! It's a real punch of flavor, great for digestion and a little splash goes a long way.


  • 1/4 cup Bragg's Liquid Aminos
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 3 tablespoons rice vinegar, or juice from another 1 or 2 limes if you don't have vinegar
  • 1/4 cup toasted sesame oil
  • 1/4 cup olive oil

Whisk all ingredients together. Taste. Do you like it? If you find it too salty, add more vinegar or lime. Do you taste enough of the sesame oil? If not, add more. Let me know how this apporach works for you...this taste and adjust method.

Here is where you can add a splash of umeboshi vinegar if you wish.

If you choose to use the red cabbage, you can either mix it in with everything now or place it in each serving bowl before piling up a nice portion of the soba noodle mix. If you're serving one big, family-style bowl, simply pile a nice nest of the cabbage on top and then add the sesame seeds and scallions.

I encourage you to give this recipe a try and share your experience. Thank you for joining me on this culinary journey, and I look forward to hearing about your tasting adventures!

Come back soon to learn more about the Fennel Orange Salad and other non-recipe recipes!

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